Unlocking Employer Brand success in 4 easy steps, feat. Alex Her

Chris recently had the pleasure of chatting with Alex Her, Head of Global EB at GoDaddy and co-founder of The E.B. Space. They discussed Alex's TEAM methodology.
Alex's methodology was born out of recognising the crucial need for a collective, 'we' focused approach to employer branding, emphasising the importance of unity and collaboration in the workplace.
The irony for many is that they may be working solo in an employer brand role, feeling isolated on their island without much help or support to get things done. But Alex goes on to explain that regardless of the make-up of your role, you should never feel alone. You have a TEAM to find both physically and strategically, and that's what he elaborates on with the TEAM methodology, breaking down the individual pillars:
- Time
- Empathy
- Advocacy
- Magnetize
Alex discusses each pillar in detail, one seamlessly following the next. It felt like a detailed blueprint for creating an E.B. from scratch was being explained as the conversation progressed, and that's the real power of TEAM.
Alex's role in the TEAM methodology is not that of a hero but rather that of a master facilitator, director, and strategist. He has a unique ability to empower those around him, creating an environment where ideas can flourish and individual stories can be told, a key element in the success of any employer brand.
Thanks to Alex for his time and we hope you enjoy the episode!